Website Performance Enhancement
The reason you develop a website or application is so that it can perform for you. It should be selling your products, generating leads, saving you time along with many other things. Demanding this performance often requires us to monitor our success to find out where we can make improvements. Device Media has strong experience in other both monitoring these elements and providing optimization where needed.
Analytics and Statistics
As a standard we implement Google Analytics in all of our web projects. Google provides this powerful statistical software, that can tell us exactly how your website is being used, free of charge. Our Web Professionals are well versed in the metrics provided by this software and readily use it to gain insight into how your visitors are using your web site.
Landing Page Optimization
Proper landing page design can drastically change sway the success of any marketing effort that leads to your website. Let us help you identify the triggers and implement that will help you convert your web visitors into prospects, customers and clients.
Website Performance Review
Your website need to perform for your business and the performance you require is often unique when compared to the performance other business might expect. For this reason The Website Performance Review starts with a short meeting to help us gain knowledge about what types of things your website could and should be doing for your business. We will complete our inspection with a report that tells you which areas you’re performing well in, which areas you could perform better in. More importantly are there any areas that you aren’t actively pursuing performance in and how can these be implemented into your website.
Customer Conversion
Getting customers to your site is half the battle, but are you prepared for the next half? Now that you have a steady stream of traffic reviewing your website, we want to make sure that we convert as many of them into customer’s as possible. There are many different methods we can employ to increase your conversion. These will all depend on your audience and the product or service you’re selling. Chances are that a large number of these visitors will not return to your website, so it is important that we are focussed on converting them into customers from the start. How do you convert website users into customers?
Usability Assessment
Have your ever looked at your website from the perspective of one of your customers? It’s important to know if your menus are making navigation difficult or if your copy is misleading and confusing to someone who is reading it for the first time. We will use web statistics, user groups and independent review to find the areas in which your website may be causing headaches for your potential customers and help you fix them.